ADHD Evaluation

If you suspect that either you or your child is experiencing symptoms associated with attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), seeking guidance from a medical professional is advisable.

A healthcare provider might suggest undergoing an ADHD evaluation, which is commonly referred to as an ADHD assessment or “test”. It’s essential to understand that an ADHD evaluation is not a mere test; rather, it is a comprehensive evaluation aimed at diagnosing ADHD with accuracy.  MHCA offers ADHD evaluations for individuals aged two to five.

ADHD Evaluation at MHCA

ADHD is a neurological condition and requires comprehensive testing from a licensed mental health provider to be diagnosed. Testing for ADHD requires participation in list of neuropsychological assessments coupled with a thorough psychodiagnostics interview. It is highly recommended that you avoid taking any medication or consuming any type of stimulant (such as coffee) prior to your ADHD assessment as they may influence your results.

Upon completion of your ADHD test, your doctor will review and then interpret the findings from your assessment in order to determine diagnostic criteria. A comprehensive neuropsychological report will be written, and an appointment scheduled with you and your doctor to discuss the results.

It is important to remember that no two people are identical, and ADHD symptoms may effect some more, or less than others. Additionally, differences in social environments such as home life, friends, school, and work will all influence the level of difficulty one may encounter with ADHD symptoms.

What is ADHD?

ADHD get treatment today in Phoenix

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) – or sometimes referred to as ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that can affect children and adults. Individuals with ADHD may present with hyperactivity, difficulty with attention and focus, impulsive behavior, and more. The severity of symptoms can vary, where some may experience little effects and find themselves in social or work environments where those effects do not cause much of a disruption; however, others may be more highly effected and be in social or educational environments where those effects make even the minimal level of functioning very difficult.

ADHD related behaviors can cause challenges at school or work and often interfere with relationships and social development. According to the CDC, roughly 6-16% of all children ages 3-17 throughout the United States have received an ADD/ADHD diagnosis.

Adults with ADHD suffer similar symptoms and face many challenges, both personal and professional. They may experience memory problems, anxiety, or depression, all of which might lead to them suffering from low self-esteem due to a long history of difficulty meeting goals.

What is the cost of an ADHD Evaluation?

  • ADHD Evaluation (Private pay and Insurance options available. Pricing will vary depending on the insurance provider and specific type of evaluation but will often range between $750 and $3,500. Please call (602) 704-2345 for current pricing.)

* MHCA participates in a wide variety of health plans to serve our patients. If you have any questions related to health insurance acceptance or covered services, click here for more information.

What to expect at the ADHD Evaluation?

First, you will meet with a Licensed Psychologist for a clinical interview. This portion of the evaluation should take around 60 minutes. You will then transition into the testing and assessment portion of the evaluation. This portion can vary between 2 – 4 hours depending upon the level of engagement and the number of breaks taken in between the assessments. After you complete the testing and assessment portion of the evaluation then you are free to go. The doctor will compile your results and write the report.

A thorough examination, encompassing medical, physical, and neurodevelopmental aspects, is conducted to ascertain whether you or your child exhibit symptoms aligning with ADHD, which encompass hyperactivity, inattention, and impulsivity.

The documentation of symptoms through the utilization of rating scales and other informational resources serves to verify whether you or your child align with established standardized criteria.

During an interview, inquiries are made about your child’s behavior across different settings, including but not limited to home and school environments

ADHD Evaluation Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How long does an ADHD evaluation take?

On average an ADHD evaluation could take between 3 – 6 hours.

How to prepare for an ADHD evaluation

Avoid stimulants, like caffeine, and be prepared to inform your provider of any prescription or over-the-counter medications you may be taking. Do your best to get a full nights sleep the night before your evaluation. It may be helpful to bring a light snack to your evaluation. Water will be provided. Turn off or leave at home anything that may serve as a distraction such as cell phone or watch.

When should I know the results of the ADHD evaluation?

The results of your evaluation will be provided at your review appointment (typically 2 – 4 days following your initial evaluation). The review appointment should last around 30 minutes. Your doctor will thoroughly review your results with you and answer any questions you might have.

Take The First Step

Complete this brief form to schedule your commitment-free assessment at our convenient Phoenix or Mesa locations, or call us at (602) 704-2345, and our helpful staff will assist you.